After my explosion people distanced themselves from me. Which to be honest I was okay with. No one here had seen me like that so they weren’t really sure if there would be an encore so they chose to play keep away.

I had a new reason to keep to myself and not deal with the stuff around me. For a while anyway. I had lost privileges which I was also okay with as most of them required social interaction that I wanted no part of.

I spent a lot of my time refocusing on my school work so that I could graduate and get on with my life. I had gone back to keeping quiet when it came to talking with Ms. Jessica and the shrink. I kept things short and only answered simple questions that didn’t lead to more questions.

At this point, the only person I was really talking to about things was Momma Sheryl. She helped me focus on the important things and helped me keep my stress and manic episodes at a semi-low status and I needed that more than I even knew at the time.

It was nice to have everyone else want to leave me alone but it was just as nice to know that if needed I had someone that I could turn to without fear of judgment.

As the days went on and my restrictions came to an end most of the staff and I had talked about and mended the things that occurred during my explosion. There were still Staff that I had issues with that I felt no need to smooth things out with and they felt no need to push the issues and no one wanted a repeat of my last episode.

Eventually, everyone seemed to move on and return to normal interactions and day to day life, everyone but me that is.

” Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forwards.” – Soren Kierkegaard