Holy crap guys, this site is 2 years old! 2 years….where does the time go. I feel like so much has happened since the first time I posted here.
I have shared so much of my past and present with you all and the love and support I have gotten in response has been absolutely amazing. This started as a project to help others around me who may have felt alone or unheard but this site has turned into so much more. It has become an outlet for me and a helping hand to my own mental health.
So much has happened in 2 years and a lot of the big stuff has been shared here both good and bad. I know I have strayed away from the history somewhat in these last few months (let’s be honest most of this year) and for that, I am only a little sorry. I think it is important to be open about the struggles I still face and the new ways I learn to heal.
I plan to spend some time going back and working my way through the rest of the stories I have started while continuing to share current happenings, book talks, and random rambles. I am not making any promises of things to come or new indevours as I am very much the one to fall off when I put too much pressure on myself. My only promise is to continue writing and sharing all that life has and continues to show me.
So with all that being said I want to end this by thanking you all for your endless love and supprot throughout the last two years. Thank you for helping me make this site so much more than I had ever thought it would be, Thank you for coming back with evry new post even with long spouts of absence. Thank you all soooo much.
No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.
Carl Jung