Things at Tom and Stacy’s became what you would call normal. They fought from time to time but nothing like I had seen previous to this.
We had a semi normal family life happening inside the house. Tom would head out to work and Stacy and I would care for the kids. She would leave once and a while to go to appointments and things like that and it seemed easier on her knowing she didn’t have to always take the boys with her.
I had started to meet new people through the two of them and although I didn’t pay much attention to it at the time it seemed all of us that entered that house were an addict of one thing or another.
When I met Becca I was excited to have another female about my age to just chill with. She was funny and a ton of fun to be around. Just like me she liked her drugs and introduced me to a whole new circle of people to use with.
I was happy to have other people to hang out with and another place to do my drugs that wasn’t the dope house. It was also nice to get out of the house and be able to give Tom and Stacy alone time.
The amount of partying I was doing was escalating so quickly. I would spend my days helping Stacy with the boys and then as soon as Tom would get home I was off to find Becca and see what we could get into that night and in the wee hours of the morning I would drag myself to bed for a few hours before getting up and doing it all over again.
Over time we expanded our circle we didn’t always leave to do drugs when Stacy’s sister would take the boys we would all get together at the house and share drugs and or money to get more drugs and as this became a thing we did we started to add a few more heads to the circle.
Not everyone lasted though. Some people couldn’t handle their drugs and we couldn’t handle that so we got rid of them real quick. In the end it was just the four of us, Tom, Stacy Joe and Becca.
Joe and Tom had been friends for a long time and well Joe could get really good coke and the dope wasn’t bad either. Plus he could handle his own and was always down to share with whoever was around.
“At first, addiction is maintained by pleasure, but the intensity of this pleasure gradually diminishes and the addiction is then maintained by the avoidance of pain.” – Frank Tallis