2024 came and went faster than I cared for but it came with so many amazing blessings and fun things.
I got a couple of new tattoos, Travus wrote a book, and my secondborn became an adult.
I got to meet my older brother Brandon and his wife Meghan. Travus and I got married! Tori walked me down the aisle after making me look gorgeous. Travus got a new tattoo.
We bought a HOUSE!
I drove to my nephew’s birthday party on my own (and a lot of other places too) for the first time ever. I also drove to hang out with my baby sister Tori for her birthday so for once she wouldn’t have to come to me.
My sister Shannon graduated.
I was given the opportunity to help my mother help our community by volunteering with the community center events and laundry.
I got to stand with pride while I watched my husband graduate from the LLDP and firsthand see the impact he has made on his classmates and co-workers.
I got to see AVRIL and Simple Plan with my wife and her parents ( I love you Hannah) which had the teenager in me over the moon. I made core memories of that night sitting in the grass eating french fries with that woman.
I got to meet some absolutely amazing people this year, from jobs and social events or just being out and about in the world.
I have become a regular everyday driver, an anxious one but everyday none the less.
There are sports events and movies and date nights and so much being left out but I can tell you that for every bad day I had in 2024 there were 10 good ones and that’s more than I deserve some days.
“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book.” – Brad Paisley