I would go through these days where the depression was bigger than I was (to be honest I still struggle with this) and I would struggle so hard to do anything.

My attitude would become overly aggressive. I would snap so easily over almost anything. I never had any control over my mouth when my emotions run high.

I say the most awful things to people and for the most part, it didn’t matter who you were if you were in my line of fire I was lashing out.

At this point, the physical aggression was pretty much at a standstill unless it was directed at myself. I was already locked up and not trying to get transferred along with more time so I kept my hands to myself, for a while anyway.

That first actual fight I got into in lock-up wasn’t even my fault. The benefit for me was there was a lot of staff present as we were outside returning from school.

As I was walking back to my cottage this girl we’ll call her Tammy came running up behind me swinging like a crazy person. So I proceeded to swing back until Staff pulled us apart.

I was sent to my room but not in a because I was in trouble kind of way but more of a go chill out kind of way. A little while later I had to go have a resolution meeting with Tammy.

Come to find out Tammy only attacked me because she thought I was someone else. She apologized but insisted she wanted to press charges because I broke her nose.

The staff basically told her if I went she went. I only swung on her after she attacked me so technically its self-defense and there were plenty of witnesses to the event.

Tammy was a girl I would continue to have issues with for a long time after the fact but never did I let it get physical with her again.

“Anger is one letter short of danger. ” -Eleanor Roosevelt